How to find more Hockey Speed

Improving your speed for hockey involves a combination of physical conditioning, technical training, and proper nutrition. Here's a 10-item list of strategies to help you get faster for hockey:

  1. Interval Training: Incorporate high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your workouts. Short bursts of intense effort followed by brief rest periods can improve your cardiovascular fitness and explosive speed.

  2. Sprint Workouts: Practice short sprints to enhance your acceleration and quickness on the ice. Focus on explosive starts and maintain proper form during each sprint.

  3. Agility Drills: Agility is crucial in hockey. Set up cone drills, ladder drills, and shuttle runs to improve your ability to change direction quickly and efficiently.

  4. Strength Training: Build lower-body strength with exercises like squats, lunges, and plyometrics. A stronger lower body will give you more power and drive during skating strides.

  5. Core Exercises: A strong core provides stability and balance, which are essential for generating power and maintaining control while skating.

  6. Proper Skating Technique: Work with a coach or attend skating clinics to refine your skating technique. Proper stride mechanics can significantly increase your speed and efficiency on the ice.

  7. Flexibility and Mobility: Incorporate regular stretching and mobility exercises into your routine to improve your range of motion and prevent injuries.

  8. Puck Handling at High Speed: Practice stickhandling while skating at high speeds. This will enhance your ability to control the puck during fast breaks and agile maneuvers.

  9. Off-Ice Conditioning: Engage in off-ice exercises that mimic hockey movements, such as jumping, lateral movements, and quick starts, to reinforce muscle memory and speed development.

  10. Rest and Recovery: Give your body adequate time to recover from intense workouts and on-ice sessions. Proper rest is essential for optimal performance and injury prevention.

Remember that getting faster for hockey is a gradual process that requires dedication and consistency. Combine these strategies with a positive mindset, and you'll be well on your way to improving your speed on the ice. Always consult with a coach or fitness professional to tailor a training program that suits your specific needs and goals. Skate Hard & Have a Great One!

-Coach Ryan

Need help finding your next gear on the ice? Check out THE BREAKAWAY BLUEPRINT 2.0 HOCKEY SPEED SYSTEM.


Exploring the Three Planes of Movement: A Guide to Hockey Specific Fitness.
